It is our desire to produce fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ! Our high school and young teen ministries define the FDF (Fully Devoted Follower) by these six phrases: Christ-like Character; Loving Others; Person of Integrity; A Servant; A Friend to All; Walking with God.
Sixth-Eighth Graders join together on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45am and for Youth Group on Wednesday nights at 6:45pm. For more information check out our page or contact Bob Rinella, Director of Young Teens
Sunday Morning
High School Growth Group - 9:45 am
Wednesday FMY- 6:45 pm
Bible Quizzing is a ministry that encourages 6th through 12th grade students to study and memorize Scripture through competition. Each year a specific portion of scripture is chosen and quizzers will study that text in weekly increments throughout the school year. The competition comes when quizzers are matched with other quizzers to see who can answer the most questions in a series of 15-question quiz rounds. This is done on a weekly basis during Quiz practice, monthly at local tournaments, and annually at Conference/Regional quizzes and Quiz Finals.
For more information, contact Alison Lanter.