Children and Family Ministries

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At GFMC HarvestKids Children's Ministries we believe kids are the church of TODAY and we have structured our programs as such. Kids receive the same Holy Sprit (upon Salvation) that adults do! In HarvestKIDS, children worship, learn, pray, and listen to the Spirit as well as play! We craft our lessons to engage all of the senses.

Christie Kessinger

Children and Prayer Pastor

Our Goal:

To plant seeds in children that influence them to grow into a Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus who bear much fruit for the Kingdom.

Our Vision:

To walk alongside families as they raise their children in the way of Jesus by helping them to grow and love God and others..

To welcome children through our loving, qualified staff and teachers.

To teach Bible-based, Holy Spirit guided curriculum.

To offer programs in a child friendly environment that is welcoming, safe, and fun!

Our Love:

For Kids!

Look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

 John 4:35b

Classes Title


         – NEWBORN – 24 MONTHS

Our vision for the nursery consists of not only providing loving care for the youngest members of our church, but also, it is a commitment to pray over those for whom we care. As infants and toddlers take their first steps into the kingdom, we wish for them to be met with the kind of love and attention that most honors Christ and reflects his Nature. We wish for you, the parents , to freely worship the Lord without worry or concern for the care you children are receiving.

Early Childhood

– 2Yrs- Kindergarten (age by Sept 1)

Is there a time when life is more exciting and energetic than Preschool? In the Early Childhood Rooms, we don't think so! We funnel that energy to incite wonder in a loving God who is bigger than their imagination... This is an exciting time when children begin to learn to hide His Word in their hearts through Bible memorization. Ultimately, we want kids to learn that Jesus loves them!


At 9:45 am: Kids experience the Fruit of the Spirit Center Time where kids engage in play while learning about how the Holy Spirit works in their lives.

At 11:00 am (during Second Service): Kids are taught traditional Bible Stories through storytelling, crafts and other media.

Wednesdays (throughout the school year) 6:45-8:00 pm

Grade School

– 1st - 5th Grade

Children have so much potential to go deep and wide in all the things of Jesus. In Grade School Ministries, children have the opportunity to experience all that the Holy Spirit has to offer! Children learn who God is, who He says WE are in Christ, how we can grow in Jesus, and how growing produces the Fruit of the Spirit. Kids are taken through the Bible, participate in Prayer Stations, learn to hear from the Spirit in Lectio Davina and so much more! Fifth Graders have the opportunity to serve on the leadership team too.


9:45 am: Kids Church in the LOFT

11:00am: In-Person Service: Grade School children attend the first part of the worship service with their parents and are dismissed to Growth Classes (Sunday School) prior to the message. On the first Sunday of the month, Grade School kids stay in the service to take communion with their family.

Wednesdays (ROOTS):

During the school year, ROOTs meets in the LOFT at 6:45-8:00pm. This is a high-energy large-group time of praise, worship and teaching with the goal of helping to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are deepening their roots in Him.


At GFMC, we love all children. If your child has special needs, please let us know by filling out this form. Our Children's Ministry Staff will reach out to you to arrage a time to meet and together we will craft a plan to care for your child's body, heart, and mind.

Form for Special Needs


If your child has an Allergy (food or other, ex: bee sting) please fill out this form. We will record this in our data base and make the accommodations. Allergy stickers are available outside the Nursery and Early Childhood rooms and it is STRONGLY suggested that parents put one on the child's back each time they check in their children (as volunteers rotate).

Form for Allergies


At HarvestKIDS we hope that all parents will volunteer in the department to some degree. We have opportunities at all skill levels and availabilities.

  1. Nursery Team: Sign up to rock babies as you pray over them. We have opportunities on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights.
  2. Early Childhood Teachers: Sign up to teach in the department. Curriculum is provided.
  3. Early Childhood Teaching Assistants: Sign up to help the lead teacher by playing with kids, assisting in the bathroom, and supervision.
  4. Grade School Growth Class Teacher: Sign up to teach during the sermon of Second Service three Sundays a month. Curriculum provided.
  5. Grade School Teaching Assistants: Sign up to help the lead teacher by sitting among students, helping with activities, etc.
  6. Grade School Wednesday Teacher: Sign up to teach a class on Wednesday nights. Curriculum Provided
  7. Grade School Wednesday Teacher Assistants: Sign up to help with crowd control, help with crafts, and snacks on Wednesday Nights
  8. Wednesday Bus Assistant: Sign up to ride on the bus on Wednesdays. Check kids in as they board the bus , and monitor students.
  9. Wednesday Night Greeter: Sign up to help kids check in on Wednesday nights, help monitor in the hallways, etc.

All volunteers must fill out a Volunteer Application , pass a background check, and complete the Mandated Reporter Training.

Download Volunteer Application Mandated Reporter Training

Family Ministries

 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

                                   Matthew 19:14.

So what is Real Life Ministries?  It is helping individuals and families practice principles of freedom and transformation during day-to-day life.

HomeGrowth and FaithPath are two available tools to help with that goal.

The strategies and tools that are a part of them are designed to accomplish two primary goals. 

1. Make it easy for families to become intentional at home
Make it more likely families will become intentional at home

Faith Path

The Faith Path strategy provides birthday-driven coaching kits to parents to create a spiritual discipline at the ideal age and stage of development. This model is designed in a way to equip parents and help them to be intentional without the extra strain on staff/parents to create and attend a multitude of events. Faith Path brings the training home to parents at a time that is special to them - their child's birthday

KIts are available in the cabinets in the HomeGrowth Area of the Lounge

Learn More


Resources For Your Family

Home Growth is the GFMC way of helping you be intentional about growing strong families

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