In a season of reactivity, with competing voices calling for our attention and outrage, we must remember our identity and calling. As representatives of Christ, who leads God’s community of reconciliation, how can we think deeply and lovingly about the state of Israel, the Jewish people, and the people of Gaza and the West Bank. While political and religious factions incite us to react, this is an invitation to reflect.
Dr. Aubrey Taylor McClain is a member of the Theology faculty at Greenville University and serves as the Shapiro Chair for Jewish Christian Studies. A biblical scholar, she spent last fall on sabbatical in Israel and as a result, was in Jerusalem during the October 7th attack. During the months that followed, she spoke with dozens of everyday people, Jews and Palestinians, and was forced to think deeply about the role of the Christian and outsider in this conflict.
Join Dr. McClain on August 11 as she shares context for the current conflict and reflects upon a Christian response. Then on August 18th, she’ll return to address your pre-submitted questions and offer an invitation for further study and action.