Senior Adults

Day Trips

Many of our senior adults enjoy visiting various sites and attractions that are close to Greenville.  We call ourselves the “Day Trippers” and we have a monthly excursion that almost always involves FOOD.  You can find the latest schedule of events by clicking the button. 

Senior adults have particular interests and needs that we try to address with quarterly seminars.  We bring in experts on topics that are pertinent to life as a senior adult.  Up coming seminars will be advertised on our website.

Our next seminar is Tuesday, August 26th at 11:30 with a catered meal by Lori Williams, seminar topic TBD.  Come for lunch and stay for the one hour seminar afterwards.

Senior Adults who are home bound or in a care facility are visited monthly by a team of lay people and pastors from our congregation.  Scripture, prayer and communion are often elements of these visits.

Every Monday night at 6:15pm at Greenville Nursing and Rehab, a team from our church conducts a brief worship service in the dining room area.  A monthly rotation of preachers, song leaders and pianists are responsible for this ministry to both GFMC people and others at the nursing home.

Our seniors want to form stronger connections with the 20’s and 30’s people in our congregation.  Approximately once a month, one of our seniors hosts an intergenerational meal at their home for a few seniors and a couple of young families (or singles).  Pastor Greg Groves coordinates these meals with young adults. If you would like to be included in one of these meals, please contact Greg Groves 618.303.5682

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